Targi Tirana ALBANIA – 11-13 maj 2017 r.

Targi Tirana ALBANIA

Targi Tirana ALBANIAA successful trinity of missions is developed through the „Southeast Europe Industry & Services”, in favor of fostering the values of Albanian entrepreneurship, its internationalization and promotion of investments in a season of challenges and achievements for Albania.

Under the format of an Expo Convention, Southeast Europe Industry & Services will be in charge of conveying the messages that reflect a completely changed economic reality, a market that not only carries the attraction of new unexploited opportunities, but is also welcoming and friendly for foreign investors and cautious and prolific for the local entrepreneurs.

Southeast Europe Industry & Services will also be the Event evoking a positive image of Albania, highlighting the successes achieved so far, and will promote again its determination to be a factor in global markets and a benchmark for the Western Balkans and South East Europe: With a friendly legislation where domestic and foreign investors have the same obligations and rights, the government has given special priority to sectors with high potentials for significant development, such as:

  • Renewable Energy and Mineral Industry;
  • Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics;
  • Waste Management;
  • Tourism;
  • Agriculture and Fishing;
  • Free Economic Zones;
  • Areas of priority development
  • Manufacturing Industry
  • Information and Communication Technology

Event’s anatomy: Southeast Europe Industry & Services is launched on a platform of Pavilions where separate sectors will be showcased, with a common binding theme that will emit signals of Albania’s development and progress.


The pavilion will put on the spotlight the priority sectors: Energy, Tourism, Public Works and major works; Road infrastructure, mining industry, etc. It will not only showcase key stakeholders and operators, but will also serve as a confrontation with foreign investors, new or already established in the country. It focuses on the international realities of fast strategic goals and immersion in Albania and the Western Balkans.

ENERGY FULLSCREEN: energy production and distribution of its serious investment in improving the distribution network, propositions of „smart” solutions in favor of the customer, are topics of the agenda not only for professionals but primarily for the customer himself and for the general public.

EXPO TRANSPORT & INFRASTRUCTURE: Under the auspices of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure, there are presented the state enterprises in the framework of projects for the improvement and revitalization of transport infrastructure in all forms. Presentation of mitigation policies to create strong links between public authorities and not only Albanian private entrepreneurs, but also those from the Balkans and Southeastern Europe.

Entrepreneurship Pavilion :
This subdivision offers the necessary promotional space to the realities of the entrepreneurship world that are not directly related to the priority sectors, but which bear the main weight of domestic production and compete in international markets through „Made in Albania” exports.

Manufacturing, inward and façon processing and „Made in Albania” products: A connection thread created between the early tradition of textile processing in Albania and in the Balkans is coupled with the rapid development of global standards and the revival of handicraft values , facing high-tech and environmentally friendly products. With the vision of long-term development of the sector in Albania, transformed into a reference point for the entire Southeast Europe region, it will welcome participants that provide final products of international brands, raw materials and technology, textiles and leather, healthy marketing and management experiences, artistic skills, real-estate solutions, etc., but above all, the readiness to work closely with Albanians and invest in the country.

Facts prove the uniqueness of „Albania as a tourist product”. We posses all the colors of Tourism: blue, green, white, red, evoking history, and the gold of antiquity. United Colors of Albania, will be the missing product in order to promote institutional and professional tourism! Among the multifaceted sectors which seek promotion through SouthEast Europe Industry & Services, Tourism is the one that attracts the attention of entrepreneurs and international visitors: it remains high the interest for investments in tourism infrastructure, education and training of the labor force in tourism, for the abundance of attractive tourism packages. Through Southeast Europe Industry & Services, Albania is promoted for the Albanian people rather as a motif of pride, and for the foreigners as an added value to wider economic and trade opportunities.

Constant goals and efforts are related to encourage domestic tourists, keeping tourists in the territory of Albania , as the diversity of cultures and traditions of Albanian regions, especially the culinary peculiarities, hospitality or nature, have not been yet discovered and exhausted by its own nationals.

Given the importance of agricultural sector in the Albania’s map of priorities, the pavilion will be dedicated to agro-processing industry and innovative technologies in the agricultural sector.

New solutions and technologies for agriculture, livestock, irrigation infrastructure, environment-friendly solutions- to make tangible for the interested entrepreneurs but also the general public, the programs and funding for the development of agriculture, where economic operators will thereby benefit investments in updating agricultural machineries, production lines and plants, agricultural equipment and machineries, etc.

Dates: 11-12-13 MAY 2017
Exhibition Venue: Palace of Congresses

Profile of exhibitors:

  • Entrepreneurs of partner countries;
  • Donors;
  • Dynamic Investors; FDI – direct investors;
  • State institutions and enterprises;
  • International Organizations and Programs;
  • Diplomatic representations;
  • NGOs etc.

Partners in organization:

  • Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure;
  • Ministry of Energy and Industry;
  • NTA – National Tourism Agency
  • AIDA and/or Union of Chambers of Commerce

Expectations: over 200 exhibitors from Southeastern Eastern
Over 25,000 Visitors
